If we were saved by GRACE, and GRACE alone, why would continuation in that work of God require anything but GRACE. Trying hard defeats the purpose. We are to co-operate with God and his Spirit – but it is and must remain God's project. God WILL work in us (Phil. 1:6). "Christ IN ME is the hope of Glory".
Prayer: Loving Father, show me the next few SMALL steps of co-operation in this renovation project.
"Be still – cease from striving – and you will then know that I AM GOD"
NEXT STEPS that God has shown me:
- I am to rejoice in the gift of this new path before me. This is an amazing invitation to refocus. It's a time to invite God to re-tune my heart strings.
- I need to "survey" my own talk (to others and self-talk) and praise God for the "better" music produced by a finely tuned heart. Listen for the NEW music within.