Today I have been reflecting about the interplay of will, and thoughts and feelings. For the Jew, the seat of all three was the heart. What state does my heart find itself in today? "The person with the well-kept heart is a person who is prepared for and capable of responding to the situations of life in ways that are good and right."
"When I think, I must do this, I've moved beyond feeling to choice (will). I have thought about this for a long time, and I know I will feel regret if I don't do this. These three components of will, thought and feeling are so closely intertwined that we may not be able to differentiate among them."
Questions for examination:
What sort of God is so generous as to share with persons the capacity to originate things and events, to exercise freedom and creativity?
What sort of God allows humans to move outside his influence with power to do what is good or evil?
Hi Dave
Hope you are well.. I will look forward to keeping up with some of your stuff in the days ahead... you have spoken into my life in numerous ways and this may well yet be another.... hope to see you at Imagine... your presence is important to me.. tell me what I need to do to make it happen.
Hi Major Dave,
This is a first! I've never made a Blog comment before. I'm never too old to learn new things. I just seem to get slower at it!
Love the transfiguration poem. Love and fear can't co-exist apparently. Our heart, head, and will need to agree on this, it takes time, of which you have right now, so may you meditate (chew on)these thoughts, and hold on to them in the dark, quiet, and indeed all times.
grace, dave
Hi Dave.
The being rather than doing thing is a great subject to consider. I agree that we are bad at it and must be stopped at times in our tracks to be recalibrated. In my own life this has never come at times of joyful exhuberence but rather in times of tearful crying out. Someone once said humans change due to three things: new experiences, new information, and suffering. Suffering seems to be the most effective at producing long term change.... in all of us.
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