I just finished reading "Tuesdays with Morrie". It's all about death being an integral part of life. Last week the theme seemed to revolve around Death and Grieving. I've even reviewed Kubla-Ross's Five Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Despair, Acceptance. The psychologist suggested it might be helpful to lists those things that were but are "no longer"... and those things which might have been but "will no longer".
As I have been thinking about this exercice, another thought has become invasive. The New Testament is founded on Death, and Resurrection. Jesus taught that a kernel of wheat needs to die before a new plant is born. Paul said: "Old things have "passed away"; all things have become new.!"... New life comes only from death. This is the New Testament paradox.
This being the case, I need to respect the grieving process, but add a column to my reflections. What is the new "life" that God plans to bring out of this death. What "Winds of Hope" will God cause to blow through my spirit and I process my grief, and wait for "new hope"?
These are certainly themes in my life. It sounds like you are getting a good perspective. But, it bites when truth comes up close and personal rather than just in a talk or conversation. For a long while I thought I would never cry enough tears for Africa.
Brian Talbot
So, things in us have to die, cease to exist, cease to control or be used by us, so that new things can be a part of us and, over all, the bigger picture. And my hypothesis is that it starts with self forgivness. Once we let go of the pride of the pain we once had, or are even still going through, we can finally give into Gods purpose and live a fruitful life.
How many of us are prepared to forgive our self - hate? because if we can't forgive ourselves we can't forgive anyone else. We think we're hot-stuff :D but even our rightgousness are like filthy rags. Soooooo... LET GO! You are who you are!
I think i'm struggling with that the most. I will never amount to Jesus's pain. I can't leave my faith just because I have a cut that God hasn't tended too. It's not your pride that is worth JEsus's death, but rather, the eternal part that he loves, that he died for. Most of us don't even know what that eternal part is yet. But God does and that's worth beliving for.
-SP son.
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"Do Islam and Christianity have different origins?"
No. Together with Judaism, they go back to the prophet and patriarch Abraham, and their three prophets are directly descended from his sons--Muhammad (SAW) from the eldest, Ishmael, and Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them, from Isaac. Abraham established the settlement which today is the city of Makkah, and built the Ka'ba towards which all Muslims turn when they pray
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All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.
so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.
You must find out
who is our savior Jesus or ?
You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?
You may die today.
You may die within a week
You may die within a month
you may die within a year
you may die within the next ten years
one thing for sure
You will die
so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.
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