Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Chapter 4: If I had been around in New Testament times and had to apply for a job, I think I have all the qualification to make an excellent Pharisee. God is interested in "Internal Transformation", but it is so much easier to work on "External manifestation". Work on spiritual disciplines or spiritual formation can so quickly degenerate into legalism and works.

If we were saved by GRACE, and GRACE alone, why would continuation in that work of God require anything but GRACE. Trying hard defeats the purpose. We are to co-operate with God and his Spirit – but it is and must remain God's project. God WILL work in us (Phil. 1:6). "Christ IN ME is the hope of Glory".

Prayer: Loving Father, show me the next few SMALL steps of co-operation in this renovation project.

"Be still – cease from striving – and you will then know that I AM GOD"

NEXT STEPS that God has shown me:

  1. I am to rejoice in the gift of this new path before me. This is an amazing invitation to refocus. It's a time to invite God to re-tune my heart strings.
  2. I need to "survey" my own talk (to others and self-talk) and praise God for the "better" music produced by a finely tuned heart. Listen for the NEW music within.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dave.
It seems with each season I am looking again at priorities and values as they are lived out in the changing tapestry of life. How did I get this far and accomplish so much and so little? And how do I find ways to reorganize myself to allow God to shape me for new adventures? It seems we are traveling on the same road ... Bruce

Anonymous said...

Grace from start to finish - without question - easy to forget in the heat of the battle and dangerous and painful if we do forget even for a short season has been my experience as well, brother.